Friday, December 11, 2009


Okay, this is what I am really here about. I make quilts. I take it as a great compliment when someone sees my work and wants me to make them one. Whether they want to pay what it is actually worth is another story, but I digress. I haven't kept pictures of all the quilts I have made, nor did I keep track of the numbers. I really regret that I have not labeled them. Now that I look back, I wish I had because that is valuable link to the past for any quilts you make.

I started making quilts when I saw the cover of October 2002 McCall's Quilting magazine. It was a maple leaf / log cabin combination in batiks and I just had to make one like it. Here is that quilt. I used leaf print and fall colored fabrics instead of batiks for mine.

No one in my family made quilts, so I had to find a class to learn the basics. That was fun because a nurse I worked with wanted to learn also. We took the class together. We both moved out of California so I wonder sometimes how she is doing. Is she still making them? Did she get as hooked as I am? Addicted? Drooling over the new fabric lines. Envious of all those lucky women (and men) who get to design fabrics and patterns and get paid for it? Jeanie in Kentucky, if you ever read this, I miss you!

This is a quilt I made for my daughter. She wanted a black and white, and I spent almost 2 years finding all the right botanical prints. The pattern is called Three Bean Salad. The original pattern was in yellow, red and green, hence the name.

What I love about making quilts is that you can take a pattern and make it look so completely different with your color choices. People who don't quilt usually fail to see how that could be until its done.

Well, that's it for today. Enjoy the coming Christmas season!

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